
அரிய வகை மண்ணுளி பாம்பை பிடித்துவைத்திருந்த நபர்களை மத்திய வணவிலங்கு குற்ற தடுப்பு பிரிவு அதிகாரிகள் கைது செய்துள்ளனர்


NATURE OF OFFENCE: Illegal Possession, Transportation and Trading of the Indian Sand boa (or) Red Sand boa (Eryx Johnii) Schedule IV Animal of Boidaefamily. This Snake is endemic to three countries India, Pakisthan and Iron and is non venomous Snake which lives in semi desert areas and foot hills. This is endangered species listed in the Appendix –II of CITES. This is widely smuggled and traded in black market for luck. It costs Seventy Lakhs to Two Crores in black market. In present Case the Animal finalized for Seventy Lakhs.


Punishable U/s 9, 39 (1) d, 39 (3), Sec. 43,48 (A), 49 (B) r/w sub sections (1) (11),(14), (16),(31), (32)(33) of Section. 2, Sec. 50, Sec. 51 (1), (1A), Sec. 52 and Sec. 55 of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, Sec. 378IPC and punishable U/s 379IPC, Sec. 7, Sec. 58 and punishable U/s 55 (2) of the Biological Diversity Act 2002.


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